
Research Sources and Links for Leslie Charteris and The Saint

Boston University's Leslie Charteris Collection

The Special Collections at Boston University's Mugar Memorical Library houses the Leslie Charteris Archive. The Curator of the Charteris Archives is Dr. Howard B. Gotlieb, Director of Special Collections. This fine collection is made up of boxes and boxes of letters, manuscripts, screenplays, books, magazines, photographs, fan mail, dry cleaning receipts, etc...

The address is Special Collections, Mugar Memorial Library, c/o Boston University, 771 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02215 U.S.A. You may also phone (617) 353-3696, if you want to make a visit. Arrangements before arrival are required.


The Saint--A Complete History in Print, Radio, Film and Television
By Burl Barer

This history of The Saint by Burl Barer (adoraburl@yahoo.com) is a fantastic source of information about the Saint. It won an Edgar Award from the Mystery Writer's of America in 1993. My personal favorite part of the book is Appendix VI: Chronology of The Saint Writings, but perhaps that is because I wrote it... Burl did a ton of research for this book, making numerous trips to Boston University to dig through the volumious information archived there.

Published by McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers of Box 611, Jeffereson, North Carolina, USA 28640, The Saint is available for only $55.00 plus shipping from McFarland directly by calling (336) 246-4460, or you can send a fax to (336) 246-5018.

ISBN 0-89950-723-9

You can purchase The Saint--A Complete History on the Internet from Amazon.com for $55.00 (special order).

Burl has also written a full-length Saint novel entitled, Leslie Charteris' Capture The Saint. An exclusive exerpt of this forthcoming Saint novel is available on www.saint.org.

The Saint and Leslie Charteris
By W.O.G. Lofts and Derek Adley

The first biography of Leslie Charteris was first published in 1970 by Howard Baker. It was also published in 1971 by Hutchinson Library Services in the U.K., and in 1972 by The Bowling Green University Popular Press in the U.S.A. The Saint and Leslie Charteris is a required book for any serious Saint fan. It has been out of print for years, but don't let that stop you... persistence pays off. I owe a debt of gratitude to Bill Lofts for all the help he has provided me in my Saint project.

ISBN 09 304800 9

The Durable Desperadoes
By William Vivian Butler

This "critical study of some enduring heros", published by MACMILLAN in 1973, is another fine source of material regarding the genre of the Gentleman Outlaw. It has a ton of Saint material, and other saint-like creations such as Raffles, The Toff, Arsene Lupin, Bulldog Drummond, and more...

SBN 333 14217 9

The Saint: 'So You're The Famous Simon Templar'
By Tony Mechele and Dick Fiddy

This book starts with a quick overview of The Saint books, radio shows, and films, but the bulk of the material is on the television shows. Based on the official ITC archives, this book has many pictures, and a detailed plot description for each episode.

Published in 1989 by Boxtree Limited, 36 Tavistock Street, London, WC2E 7PB, England, UK.


Snobbery With Violence
By Colin Watson

Although this book doesn't have a lot of Saint-related information, it is a great book about the British crime writers on the 20th century. The chapter entitled, "With they quire of Saints for evermore...", has some information about The Saint of Television in the person of Roger Moore. The early Saint stories are largely ignored, except for a brief reference to The Saint Closes The Case (1930) in a discussion of cigars, pipes, cigarettes, and other smoking devices.

Published in 1971 by Eyre & Spottiswoode (Publishers) Ltd., 11 New Fetter Lane, EC4.

SBN: 413 28420 4

Roger Moore
By Paul Donovan

This is a very thorough book on the life and times of Roger Moore. Obviously, no biography of Roger Moore would be complete without a full chapter of his portrayal of Simon Templar, alias The Saint. This book does not disappoint, covering The Saint years with many pictures and detailed accounts of The Saint.

Published in 1983 W.H.Allen & Co. Ltd., 44 Hill Street, London, W1X 8LB.

ISBN: 0 491 03051 7 (W.H.Allen hardcover edition)
ISBN: 0 86379 005 4 (Comet Books softcover edition)

Leslie Charteris och Helgonet under 5 decennier
(Leslie Charteris and The Saint during 5 Decades)

By Jan Alexandersson and Iwan Hedman

A nicely done bio-bibliography completely written in Swedish. I believe a portion of this book was translated and published in The Armchair Detective, but I don't know which issue.

First 100 copies published in 1972 by DAST - Forlag AB, Strangnas, all made on Xerox copies. The first (and only) bound edition was 600 copies in 1973 by Strangnas Tryckeri AB. Of the 600, the first 25 copies were numbered 1-25 and signed by Leslie Charteris, Iwan Hedman, and Jan Alexandersson. Numbers 26-100 were signed by Iwan Hedman and Jan Alexandersson.

ISBN: 91 85208 01 9 Strangnas Tryckeri AB

The Saint: From Big Screen To Small Screen And Back Again
By Paul Simper

The latest must-have reference about The Saint. This book includes many quotes from the people involved in the television show, including Roger Moore. Other notable interviews include Robert S. Baker, Burl Barer, Ian Dickerson, John Kruse, Sylvia Syms, Lord Lew Grade, Roy Ward Baker, Malcolm Christopher, and many more.

First published in 1997 by Chameleon Books, an imprint of Andre Deutsch Ltd., 106 Great Russell Street, London, WC1B 3LJ. Telephone: 0171 580 2746, or FAX: 0171 631 3253.

Fans in the United States can order the book from Trafalgar Square Inc., Howe Hill Road, North Pomfret, Vermont 05053. Telephone: (802) 457-1911, or FAX: (802) 457-1913

ISBN: 0 233 99102 6

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